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There are numerous online and also with ANGI to reference.

Please let your crew know that they did an outstanding job on the house and that their talent + skills + experience + attention to detail + work ethic are impressive. They made this 30 year old house look like new! We couldn't be happier with the result and appreciate all of you.

Sandy and Tim

We want to express our appreciation for the beautiful job done on painting and staining our house. Its so clear how much of your heart goes into getting us to the right place with color selection, transparent or solid color stain, and all the implications of those decisions. Your high standards for getting as close to the perfect combination of all those factors shows in the finished products, and in the way your crew works. You have established a remarkable standard for doing things well.

Lastly, you are always so nice to work with.

Thank you so much and congratulations on a difficult job well done!!

Mary and Ken

We had an excellent experience with Peters Painting Contractors. They were professional, they know what they are doing and explain everything in detail. Also were very reasonable cost. Highly recommend.

Sandesh P.

They did an amazing job repainting the EIFS (stucco) on the front of our house. It looks like new! We could not be more pleased!

Pam B.

Great. Eric Peters is very knowledgeable and a joy to work with. They use the best products to assure a long-lasting finish and applied very carefully to avoid splashing stain on siding. I would trust them with any painting project. I couldn't be happier with the result.

Angi Review

Erik is the "go to guy" in the Madison area for painting. Well known and loved by those of us who have used him. We had him paint our exterior 10 years ago and it still looks good. Had him back this past spring to do interior work. His team is professional, and top notch when it comes to prep work and attention to detail. Steve and his crew were prompt and considerate and left everything spotless after each working day. We had them paint our family room which is paneled with built ins, (required extra time and attention), kitchen and mudroom. They also did an excellent job fixing plaster issues with the ceiling due to water damage. Can't say enough good things about this company. Great to work with! Thanks guys!

Angi Review

This was a big job, requiring lots of repairing, patching & surface preparation. I wanted both ceilings & walls painted throughout, as well as the fireplace and one interior door. Eric came out and gave me a realistic quote for the job. He kept me updated as the work progressed, and I am extremely happy with the results. What they delivered was exceptional. The walls are beautiful, and the condo was clean when the crew packed-up and left. Highly recommended!

Angi Review

We Look Forward To Exceeding Your Expectations!